How does the sound work?

In our virtual platform, we offer two powerful audio features: Proximity Audio and 3D Spatial Audio. These features add depth and realism to your virtual experience, allowing for more immersive interactions and enhanced audio perception.

Proximity Audio

Proximity audio is designed to simulate real-world sound behavior based on proximity. It ensures that you hear audio sources based on their distance from your avatar within the virtual environment.

The intensity of audio decreases as the source moves further away from your avatar. This creates a natural audio perception, as sounds become quieter as they move into the distance.

Proximity audio allows you to focus on specific audio sources near your avatar. As you move closer to an audio source, its volume becomes more prominent and detailed, enhancing the sense of presence and realism.

3D Spatial Audio

3D spatial audio is a technology that replicates sound directionality and placement in a virtual environment. It mimics the way sounds behave in the real world, creating a sense of audio depth and positioning. 

Audio sources are positioned in three-dimensional space, allowing you to perceive their direction and location. For example, if a sound originates from the left side, you will hear it predominantly from the left speaker or headphone.

 As you move within the virtual environment, 3D spatial audio adjusts the position and movement of audio sources accordingly. This creates a dynamic audio experience, where sounds accurately reflect their spatial positioning as you navigate the virtual space.

Combined Effect

By integrating proximity audio and 3D spatial audio, our virtual platform offers a rich and realistic audio experience. You can enjoy a sense of audio depth, immersion, and localization as you interact with the virtual environment and engage with audio sources.

To fully benefit from proximity audio and 3D spatial audio, consider the following tips:

  • Wear Headphones: Using headphones helps to enhance the perception of directionality and spatial audio cues.
  • Pay Attention to Audio Cues: Use audio cues to locate and identify important sounds within the virtual environment. Listen for directional audio hints that can guide you to specific points of interest or interactions.
  • Adjust Volume Levels: Experiment with volume levels to ensure a comfortable and balanced audio experience. Adjust the volume to suit your preferences and the surrounding environment.