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Connect your headphones

Co.Society supports spatial audio and it is recomended to use headphones. You will be able to more accurately hear the distance and direction of sounds, allowing for a more immersive listening experience. 

Change Audio Source

If the sound from the application is not coming for the right source or you want to change the volume, click on the small cogwheel in the toolbar. A panel with settings will appear on the left side of the screen. Navigate to the second tab labeled "Audio" and control the dropdown menus for "Microphone settings" and "Audio settings".

Proximity Voice Chat

The Co. Society app uses proximity voice chat that adjusts audio volume based on users' location in virtual spaces, making conversations more natural and intuitive. It enhances privacy, spatial awareness, and dynamic interactions. Using headphones improves audio clarity and consistency, making virtual communication more immersive and effective.


Understanding Proximity Voice Chat: Enhancing Communication in Virtual Spaces


What is Proximity Voice Chat?

Proximity voice chat is a communication feature that modulates audio volume based on the distance between users in a virtual environment. This means that the closer you are to someone, the louder their voice sounds, and vice versa. It mimics real-life conversations, where you naturally hear people better when they are nearer to you.


How Does Proximity Voice Chat Work?

Proximity voice chat uses spatial audio algorithms to adjust the volume and direction of sound based on user positions within the virtual space. Key components include:

  1. Distance-Based Volume Control: Audio volume decreases as the distance between users increases.
  2. Directional Audio Cues: Sounds are positioned spatially, allowing users to hear where voices are coming from relative to their location.

This system creates a more natural and intuitive way of communicating, closely replicating real-world interactions.


Benefits of Proximity Voice Chat

  1. Natural Interaction: Conversations feel more organic as users move closer or further away to adjust the volume of their discussions, just like in real life.
  2. Improved Privacy: Proximity chat helps maintain privacy in conversations, as distant users cannot easily overhear others.
  3. Enhanced Spatial Awareness: Users can better understand their position relative to others, enhancing navigation and interaction within the virtual space.
  4. Dynamic Group Conversations: Users can easily join or leave conversations by moving towards or away from a group, facilitating fluid and dynamic discussions.

Adding to the Immersive Experience

Proximity voice chat enriches the virtual office environment in several ways:

  • Realistic Communication: Mimicking real-world audio dynamics makes virtual interactions feel more genuine and engaging.
  • Spatial Organization: Users can form natural groups and manage conversations based on their physical arrangement in the virtual space.
  • Focus and Attention: Users can focus on specific conversations without being overwhelmed by background chatter, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

The Role of Headphones in Proximity Voice Chat

Using headphones with proximity voice chat provides several advantages:

  1. Clearer Audio Cues: Headphones offer precise audio cues, making it easier to determine the direction and distance of voices.
  2. Consistent Sound Quality: Unlike speakers, headphones provide a consistent audio experience, unaffected by external noise or room acoustics.
  3. Improved Concentration: Headphones help isolate the user from external distractions, allowing for better focus on virtual interactions.
  4. Enhanced Immersion: The use of headphones enhances the overall immersive experience by delivering accurate spatial audio directly to the user.


Proximity voice chat is a valuable feature that enhances communication in virtual environments by simulating real-life audio dynamics. It supports natural interaction, improves privacy, and aids spatial awareness, making virtual spaces more engaging and effective for collaboration. For the best experience, using headphones is recommended to ensure clear audio cues and consistent sound quality. Embrace proximity voice chat to elevate your virtual office interactions and boost productivity.